This site is being put together by Ron Chester, who created the first online Dylan bibliography in 1995-1999, during the period when a lot of fans from were creating many different sites about Dylan’s art. His bibliography is now one of the oldest websites still up and running on the web. In the intervening years, Ron’s Dylan mentor twisted his arm to get him onto Facebook, so he could participate in the EDLIS Café from nearly its beginning until it now has over 6,000 members.
Ron has written a lot about Dylan over the years, scattered about in many different places. One purpose of this site is to provide one central place that will contain the best stuff he has written on Dylan. With Google having announced the eventual closing of Google+, writings that he posted over there will be brought over here before they are lost in the shutdown of the Google site. Ron was fairly active on Google+, having started there when the site was still in beta. His Dylan friend, Andy Hertzfeld is actually the guy who designed the circles technology in Google+. They met when they were students together at a Stanford course on Bob Dylan.
Associated with this website is Watching the River Flow, the first Bob Dylan River of News. This is an innovative way of presenting news invented by Dave Winer, the guy who invented both blogging and podcasting in the early days of the Internet. It was put here entirely through the efforts of Andy Sylvester, a technical wizard from the West coast of the US, who lives in the home town of the great guitar genius, John Fahey (RIP).